Friday, April 13, 2012

Mine Enemy

Where is mine enemy?
Where is this "man"?
Where is my challenge?
Where I may stand,
As Protagonists to my books Enemy,
My enemy mine.
Where is my Prides manifest?
Where is my line?

Let me have that bit of Honor,
To challenge and duel my foe!
Let me not lose,
To a man I'll never know.

Somewhere he sits, and enjoys happy life.
He does not know of the wounds he's dealt me, the blood I've lost in our fight.

God give me patience. And one day may it Shine,
On Me...
As I face my enemy, my Enemy Mine.

Poems By Sam

Here are some short poems my brother made when we were just little kids. Still get giggling when I say them out loud.

There Once Was A Goblin- By Samuel Conner
There once was a goblin,
who hopped all around.
He tripped on a log,
and splatted on the ground.

Julius- By Samuel Conner
Julius, Julius, who art so fair.
Julius, Julius, with long, golden hair.
Julius, Julius, you make my heart fly.
Julius, Julius- wait... your a guy?!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Poem For Wanderers

And walking so through the land,
Pass trail, pass river, we understand,
That life is such with love is made,
And God to us from space has bade,
To Live and Wander through the land,
Pass trail, pass river, and understand.