Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Unforgettable Movie Scenes.

So here's some unforgettable movie scenes, whether they be funny, touching, uncanny at pulling you in, or just plain epic.
 (There is no specific order, I'm just listing them as they come to me.)

-The singing on the beach with a ukulele scene from "The Jerk"

-The scene from "Lord Of The Rings" where the signal for aid from one kingdom to the next is being lit.

-The scene from "Whats Eating Gilbert Grape?" where Gilbert calls Arnie down from the water-tower by talking through the megaphone and saying "match in the gas tank, boom boom"

-The fight scene between Sam and that black dude in "Inception" where the hotel room is spinning inside his dream, inside his dream of him sleeping in the back of a falling van.

-The scene in the "Matrix" where Neo is in the hallway with the 3 agents at the end and finally "figures it all out".

-The scene in "Back To The Future" where Marty McFly plays Johnny B. Good.

-The scene in "Jurassic Park" where the T-Rex thrashes the last of the raptors and lets out his roar for the last time as the banner falls from the ceiling and around its massive body (always gives me goose bumps)

-The scene where Quigley is left for dead in the desert and shoots that dude off the wagon as he is trying to get away in "Quigley Down Under"

-The scene in "Silverado" where Jake steps out of the saloon and calls "hey!" to the 2 bad guys right before he shoots them.

-The part in "Ace Vantura: Pet Detective" where he is told that his future clients are prepared to pay him 60,000 dollars to take the job and he comes out of his meditation saying "reeeeeeeeeeeeeee-heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy?"

-The "It's not your fault" scene in "Good Will Hunting"

-The scene in "The Fugitive" where he jumps off the dam.

-The scene in "Man From Snowy River" where he goes off the edge of the drop with his horse. 

-Where in "When Harry Met Sally", Harry says, "And once you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible!"

(add more later)


  1. The scene is "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" where he doesn't even pause to pull a giant leaf out of his apt. manager's bush so he can sneak by without being hassled--cracks me up every time.

    I also love the scene in "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" when Neal is in the bathroom washing his face and Del calls from the bedroom, "Don't forget to take my underwear and socks out of the sink!" and then Neal realizes what he's drying his face with. Hahahahahahahaha!

  2. great list. some that come to my mind are in TRUE GRIT when john wayne is on horse back at full gallop and he puts the reins in his mouth so he can shoot with both hands or when dorthy opening the door into OZ for the first time in THE WIZARD OF OZ or in ET when the boy and ET all the boys following them take flight on their bicycles in order to escape or in the first DIE HARD when alan rickman finds the body with the message on his shirt left by bruce willis that reads "now i have a machine gun ho-ho-ho". just a few of my favorites!

  3. How about when Harrison Ford jumps off the dam in The Fugitive--man!

  4. Ooo! How about in Man from Snowy River where he's the only one who jumps over the cliff and rides his horse down after the herd. Oh yeah.

  5. My favorite is scene EVER is in Hook when Peter (Robin Williams) catches the sword from one of the Lost Boys and cuts the coconut and then the music cuts out and as Peter brings up the sword and the light gleams off it, the music kicks back in. MAN SO GOOD.
